LawDepot is proud of providing customers LawDepot Coupons and LawDepot Coupon codes with many great offers. Here are all the currently active LawDepot Coupons and LawDepot Coupon codes such as 14 Free Trial Days and Free Legal Documents, Forms and Contracts. All of them have been verified by users. Do not hesitate to find and use LawDepot Coupons and LawDepot Coupon codes, even share with your friend to save more. Hurry up to visit Coupons Plus Deals to find more LawDepot Coupons and LawDepot Coupon codes!
Frequently asked questions
<p>To cancel LawDepot, contact their customer service and follow these steps:</p>
<li>Dial 855-231-8424, choose 1 when promted.</li>
<li>Tell the agent that you are calling to cancel.</li>
<li>Give the rep your account information when asked.</li>
<li>If you&#39;re unsure, ask if you&#39;re going to be charged again.</li>
<li>Be sure to get a confirmation number or email for the cancellation</li>
<p>There are 3 classes of license:</p>
<li>&nbsp;Basic which ranges from $7.50 to $68 per document.</li>
<li>&nbsp;Monthly or the Free Trial which is free for one week; $33 per month thereafter.</li>
<li>&nbsp;One Year Pro which costs $95.88 per year.</li>
<p>Yes, While they does offer free legal documents and a free trial, if you want to continue using their service after your trial has expired, you will need to pay for a license.</p>
<p>Yes, with raving reviews and high-rating on Sitejabber, LawDepot customers are genrally satisfied with LawDepot services.</p>
<p>The LawDepot free trial is especially enjoyed by the customers. Law Depot great customer service is also another plus.</p>
Yes, the forms created in LawDepot are legally binding documents, accepted in all 50 states.
Saving Tips
<p>A good LawDepot coupon code can offer a hefty discount on your subscription. To get your LawDepot coupon when they are released, try on the tips below:</p>
<li>&nbsp;Subscribe to their newsletter list for the latest news on promotions, as well as legal tips, sent straight to your email.</li>
<li>&nbsp;Visit trusted coupon websites, like Coupon Plus Dels, for their regularly updated coupon collection, including the LawDepot coupon code.</li>
<p>LawDepot also has a 7 days free trial that allows unlimited access to all their legal document templates. You can upgrade this free trial at anytime.</p>
LawDepot offers free legal documents, forms and contracts for everyone. These documents are somewhat superficial compared to their paying documents.
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